Maclaren Hall Sex Abuse Victims You may still have time to file

If you were a victim of sexual abuse at MacLaren Hall, also known as MacLaren Children's Center, you still have time to file a claim if you are under the age of 40. Our team of compassionate attorneys are representing victims who want to seek justice and compensation for their suffering. 





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I hired Herman Law because, they were just as passionate about defending my daughter’s rights as I am.

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Were you sexually abused while at Maclaren Hall? If you are under the age of 40 you can still file a claim. Countless victims suffered sexual abuse while under the care of the Los Angeles County Department of Child and Family Services at the facility. 

Thousands of survivors have suffered in silence but can now seek a measure of justice and have their voice be heard. Contact us now to learn your options, through a free confidential case review. 

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If you're a survivor of child sexual abuse that occurred in MacLaren Hall and are under the age of 40, you may still have time to file a claim. Hundreds of MacLaren Children's Center residents allege they were sexually abused by staff members. There is evidence that the institution was aware of the problematic widespread abuse but failed to protect these children.  

Unfortunately, many of these victims have suffered in silence due to the abuse they endured. For over 20 years Herman Law has exclusively represented victims of sexual abuse and recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for victims, but more importantly, we have helped our clients heal by helping them tell their story. Now you can get justice and be compensated for the years of pain and suffering. 

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What is the MacLaren Hall Lawsuit for?

What Happened at MacLaren Hall?

At MacLaren Hall, also known as MacLaren Children's Center, numerous children suffered physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. When these children courageously reported the abuse, they were often punished, and their allegations were systematically dismissed or concealed. This cycle of abuse persisted for decades until legal actions ultimately led to the facility's shutdown.

In California, over 60,000 children rely on the state's foster care system to provide a secure environment. Throughout its operational years, tens of thousands of children passed through MacLaren Hall, which was supposed to offer temporary shelter and meet their basic needs. Instead, these children were subjected to appalling abuse. This abuse was perpetuated in an environment from which they had no escape. 

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What Can MacLaren Hall Victims Do? 

If you are a victim of sexual abuse while staying at MacLaren Children's Center, and you are currently under the age of 40, you may file a lawsuit to claim financial compensation. 

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Hear from Our Customers

reviews 5 stars

Herman Law, particularly the paralegal, she's been amazing. She always validates my feelings and what I'm going through and my phone calls. She listens to me and I feel validated, like I have power over what happened and power over what's going to happen. It makes me feel like I'm not alone anymore.


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reviews 5 stars

I recommend Jeff Herman for sexual abuse cases based on my experience co-counseling cases with him in the past. His experience is second to none, he's very passionate in representing victims of sexual abuse, and very compassionate when dealing with the victims and their families.


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reviews 5 stars

“Herman Law has definitely made it much easier on me and everybody here has been very understanding and has just been wonderful and amazing. … I feel really empowered like there's a light at the end of my tunnel now, so to speak.


Recent Client

Why Choose Herman Law for Your Sexual Abuse Claim? 

Our experienced and compassionate team of attorneys, investigators, paralegals, and support staff have extensive training in working with sexual abuse victims.  

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These cases are complex; however, our team are experts in these types of cases and will diligently ensure our clients are compensated for full and fair value. We always do our best to help our clients heal by giving them a voice and helping them seek a measure of justice. 

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